Three years of tasty life with CWC
I can’t imagine that my acquaintance with CWC took their place just three years ago. As I feel we’re friends all my life.
Our first class was in 2013 it wasn’t my first and nether ever second journey to Paris and I was looking for some unusual travel experience. I had attended cooking school in Hungary and Austria before so I was experienced enough. But anyhow I was agitated a little because my choice was for French dessert class.
My first chef at CWC was friendly Emmanuelle Gombert. Three hours and five desserts were made. Five desserts with completely different taste, texture and history. There were “Financier”, “Tart au chocolat”, “Crème brûlée”, ”Soufflé” and ”Deconstructed tart au citron”. You can’t even imaging how much deconstructed tarts with different fillings and tastes but with the same process were made by me since that class.
We said “ooookay” and booked our next class the advanced one. With Briony Laberthonnière we held the record and completed our class in four hours instead of seven. We were working like harmonious and complicated dessert machine. That was perfect!
The third class was advanced task for chef Pino Ficara, because we were experienced and well trained students. But Pino thought out new advanced menu and “Opera”, ”Domes”, and ”Charlottes” were made successfully.
If you think that I’m somewhere near the end of the story you’re mistaken. My next class was the prize at CWC competition that I’ve won. And... new advanced menu from Pino! There were “Saint-Honore”, “Paris-Brest”, “Baba au rum” and one more “Charlotte”.
The end? Not now! Because… there were two more classes with incredible chef Alex Dreyer. The first one took it’s place in Christmas Eve of 2015 and we were made… Yeaaah! Buche de Noel! I suppose that you have this wonderful opportunity to take the class this year. Here’s some photos
And the last one and the most chocolate one is about… CHOCOLATE
So… six super interesting and super tasty classes completed, i’m feeling strong enough and i don’t afraid any recipe (at least i can ask my chefs for help :)). Hey, CWC, are you sure that you don’t want me as chef for a while? :)